Saturday, August 13, 2011

My Holiday.

On the 20th of August I am going on holiday, for 70 days.  The places I am going are : Auckland, Hong Kong, York, London, Madrid, Barcelona, Carcassonne, Paris and L.A.  I want to see some flamenco dancing in Madrid and I want to go to the 'Roald Dahl Musuem', in L.A I want to go to Disney Land.  In York I want to go to 'The Jorvik Viking Centre.'  In Auckland my friend recommended 'Butterfly Creek,' I would also like to go to 'Auckland Zoo' I can't decide!!!!!  In France I want to see the Eiffel Tower.  In Barcelona we're  going to see La Sagrada Familia, a church designed by Gaudi.  In Hong Kong we will see a very BIG Buddha.  In London we might go to 'The Science Museum.  I'm sure  I'll have lots of fun on my holiday.



  1. That sounds like so much fun! You are so lucky. I have been under the Eiffel tower, it is very busy though!

  2. I REALLY,REALLY,REALLY want to go to the Eiffel Tower! I would do anything!
