Sunday, August 28, 2011

The Railway Museum

Today my cousins and I went to the Railway Museum. First we saw some little engines.  We went into the Station Hall and we saw the Royal Trains.  When we were loooking at Royal train someone said "a play is about to start," so we went and watched it, after that had finished there was another show was about to start so we watched that one as well.

After that we went on a ride on a train called Rocket.  We also went to an egg-cellent Science Show about eggs!  The show was one of my favorite bits.

Then we looked at other trains in a different room and saw The Hogwarts Express. We looked aroud a bit more and we went on a ride.  After that we went into the giftshop, and left.

I especially enjoyed seeing The Hogwarts Express and going on the ride.


  1. You are really having an interesting time in York, Mel. Barry and I have been to both those places so we can visualise you all there. And it's nice to think of you playing with your cousins even when you're not going anywhere special. I'm sure you're all enjoying each other's company.

    Lots of love and thank you for your regular posts,


  2. Wow!That looks like so much fun.You're really lucky and to see the Hogwarts train that must of been a real treat for you!
    From William f

  3. Hi Meleny. It sounds cool I wish could go there and goon the rides
    from Jonny

  4. This is another place Janet and I visited many years ago - long before the Hogwarts Express was part of the museum!
    (I really liked your eggsellent yolk about the eggs.)

  5. First the Hogwarts castle and NOW the Hogwarts Express! Where does it end?
