Friday, August 26, 2011

Ocean Park

Today we went to Ocean Park. First we went to the encloser with the giant pandas in it.  There names were: Jia Jia and An An.  Next we went into this big encloser with lots of animals in it, like red pandas, giant panda, goldfish and some other fish.

After that we went in an underground tunnel up to the top of Ocean Park.  We looked around, but there wasn't anything to do, so we went back down in a cable car.  I got a bit annoyed on the Cable Car, because Dad was being an awful tease.

When we got back from the Cable Car we went to an aquarium, with lots of fish and sharks!

Ocean Park was really hot. (like everywhere else in Hong Kong!)

1 comment:

  1. I made my witty comment below the wrong post - silly me! I had already made many comments but this was the first time it actually worked - when I had made a mistake.

    Looking forward to reading about York.

    Lots of love,

