Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The beach at Roses (by me and Jas)

Dad and Mum went swimming in the Mediterranean sea at the beach in Roses.  The water was very warm.  In the water we saw fish and jellyfish.
We made a sand alcazar (the Spanish word for castle.) We kept having to build up the walls because the tide was sort of coming in.

Roses is near Figueres, where the Salvador Dali Museum is. (It has giant eggs on the roof!) 
At the beach in Roses there weren’t many people there.  I really liked the beach at Roses.  I especially liked making the alcazar and cloister.
The beach was so much FUN!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Mel! My family and I sometimes play that game when you try and keep your castle intact while the tide's coming in at the back beach in Nelson. We called it racing the tide.

    At the Salvador Museum, was it real eggs on the roof? Because somehow, I don't think that they could keep real eggs up there.

    I'm really having a fun time now, during the holidays.[Just like you!]

